Unable to find what you’re looking for or are unhappy with a service and would like to discuss it with us?
Please contact us so we can help!
Tel: 01825 74 11 55
Email: info@myhostingbubble.com

You can make a complaint by following our complaints procedure here: https://www.myhostingbubble.com/support/complaints

If you have access to our Management Portal and you need to change your account details, all you need to do is to login, then from the ‘My Account’ screen simply click on ‘Account Details’ and update your details on this screen. Don’t forget to click save once you have completed the updates.

If you have mislaid your password to log in to the Management Portal, then simply click on the ‘login’ link at the top of our site, then enter click on the ‘Forgot your password link’. You will then be presented with a page asking for your login email address. Once you have inserted your email, click submit and you will be emailed details on how to re-set your password.

If you have a technical query about any of your products you can always complete the ‘Send us a Message’ form below and one of our expert technical team will respond with the answer.

We would request that you raise a support ticket via support@myhostingbubble.com if your enquiry is of a support nature, if you however require assistance of a different nature, then please feel free to contact us on: 01825 74 11 55 between 9 – 6 / Mon – Fri.

You can raise a support ticket by either sending an email to support@myhostingbubble.com or once you have registered with us you will gain access to our Management Portal support feature.